
Student Leadership



UHart Hub

活动、参与和事件有助于塑造一个完整的校园体验. UHart Hub是我们社区发现特色活动的门户, organizations, and involvement opportunities.

Student Leadership Listings

巴尼领导委员会是一群本科生, your friends and peers, 谁致力于为学生准备必要的技能和经验,成为成功的商业领袖.

Why you should join this organization?

The student ambassadors are sophomore, junior, 以及目前在巴尼商学院就读的立博体育官网大四学生. 他们通过个性化的访问和与潜在学生和家庭的活动,为学生提供观点,帮助招募和推广学院.

Why you should join this organization?

The student ambassadors are sophomore, junior, 以及目前在工程学院的立博体育官网大四学生, Technology, and Architecture (CETA). 他们通过个性化访问和与潜在学生和家庭的活动提供学生的观点,帮助招募和推广学院.

Meeting Times:
Every other Monday at 1 p.m. via Zoom for the fall 2020 semester.

Contact Information:
Advisors: Ying Yu,, and Hisham Alnajjar, 

Why you should join this organization?
提高CETA在校男女本科生的领导能力和沟通能力. 为CETA在校男女本科生提供自我发展的机会. Provide exceptional community outreach for all CETA programs.

这个组织是代表哈特合唱团学生的团体. 哈特合唱团学生协会的目的是建立公平, inclusion, and democracy within the choral program. 该协会为立博体育官网的所有学生提供加入合唱团的机会,无论他们是否是音乐专业的学生.

Why you should join this organization?

我们相信所有人都有权利以高水准制作有意义的音乐, regardless of their career path. 我们将成为代表学生的团体,促进校园合唱组织的民主化。, where we then can interact with faculty with more power. 我们的目标是通过合唱曲目提高所有歌手的音乐水平, 与校园内的其他音乐制作组织合作, locally, and regionally, and to establish a professional presence in Connecticut.

哈特福德事件和活动团队(The HEAT) (FKA校园活动团队“CAT”)是一个由学生管理的组织,为学生提供各种各样的项目, activities, and events. CAT的主要活动是春季舞会,在春季学期举行.

Contact Information:

Why you should join this organization?
协助策划及推行各项活动,以加强教育, 立博体育官网的社交和娱乐环境.

Red Caps are orientation student leaders, 他们渴望帮助新生和他们的父母了解立博体育官网的生活. A Red Cap is friendly, helpful, outgoing, enthusiastic, 并希望推广这所大学及其提供的机会.

Contact Information:
To apply email to request an application

Why you should join this organization?
Through individual conversations, group activities, academic advising, and various programs, 红帽子帮助新生和他们的家长熟悉和适应大学. 作为一名红帽学生,你将有机会在非正式的环境中与大学的教职员工密切合作.

你是否热爱立博体育官网,并希望帮助指导未来的学生? 然后申请成为立博体育官网红钥匙社团的一员! 你需要每周进行一次参观,并参加具体的入场活动.

Meeting Times:
The Bates House; contact for more information.

Contact Information:
Advisor: Nathan Burrage

Why you should join this organization?

As a Residential Assistant, you have a variety of responsibilities, including facilitating community development, enforcing institutional policies, planning student programs and community builders, and so much more. If you are interested in this position, you should have a high degree of responsibility, commitment, and dedication.

Why you should join this organization?
住宿助理职位的报酬包括一间单人房的住房分配(注意,单人房可能会因不可预见的情况而例外)和至少一份学生领袖膳食计划, which consists of 200 meals and 500 dining dollars.

RFA stands for Resident Facility Assistant. RFAs是住宿学生领袖,他们在设施部门工作,并作为该部门的住宿延伸. RFAs help with residence hall preparation and shutdown, 参与轮班值班系统,以响应校园内的设施需求, 在工作时间内和工作时间外提供维修问题的直接服务.g., replacing light bulbs and shades, unclogging drains, and boarding up broken windows), routinely inspect all areas of campus, 在设施办公室接听电话,处理工作要求.

Contact Information:

Why you should join this organization?
RFA职位的福利包括支付食宿费用的津贴, priority class registration, early move-in, 还有一个学习各种“自己动手”技能的机会.

学生自治协会(SGA)致力于提高学生的意识, promote student involvement, and represent the voice of the students. 这个组织是为立博体育官网的学生设立的.


For more info, visit SGA's page.

LEAD is an exclusive leadership development, resilience coaching, and career readiness program for undergraduate women. 领导力教育与发展(LEAD)项目是针对立博体育官网的女本科生的,为学生提供工具, training, 和社区成功导航的旅程,并通过大学生活和事业.

Why you should join this organization?
它的队列项目每个毕业班只招收30名学生. 此外,每学期还提供向所有学生开放的校园编程.

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