
Do you have a passion for leadership and want to develop your skills?

Be part of groups like Red Caps, Resident Assistants, and the Women’s Advancement’s LEAD program.


活动, engagement, 和事件 help shape a complete experience on campus. UHart中心 is the portal for our community to discover featured events, 组织, 参与的机会.


The 巴尼领导委员会 is a group of undergraduate students, 你的朋友和同龄人, who are dedicated to preparing students with the necessary skills and experience to be successful business leaders.

Council members will gain knowledge through working with the university's esteemed faculty and attending workshops

学生大使是大二学生, 初级, and senior 立博体育官网 students who are currently in the Barney School of Business. They help recruit and promote the college by providing the student perspective through personalized visits 和事件 with prospective students and families.

It’s a great way to show prospective students what Barney has to offer through your personal experiences while building your leadership and communication skills with important leaders in the area.

学生大使是大二学生, 初级, and senior 立博体育官网 students who are currently in the College of Engineering, 技术, 和建筑学(CETA). They help recruit and promote the College by providing the student perspective through personalized visits 和事件 with prospective students and families.

每隔一个星期一下午一点.m. 2020年秋季学期通过Zoom.

指导老师:莹宇; yyu@tilou.net希沙姆·阿尔纳贾尔; alnajjar@tilou.net 

Promote leadership and communication skills of current women/men undergraduates in CETA. Provide self-development opportunities for current women/men undergraduates in CETA. 为所有CETA项目提供卓越的社区服务.

This organization is the body representing the students that comprise the Hartt Choirs. The purpose of the 哈特合唱团学生协会 is to establish equity, 包容, 以及合唱项目中的民主. The association promotes the opportunity for all students on the 立博体育官网 campus to join the Choirs whether they’re music majors or not.


We believe that all people have the right to make meaningful music at a high caliber, 不管他们的职业道路如何. We will promote democracy in choral 组织 on campus by being a body to represent the students, 在那里我们可以与更有权力的教员互动. We aim to improve the musicianship of all singers through choral repertoire, to collaborate with other music-making 组织 on campus, 在本地, 和地区, 并在康涅狄格建立专业机构.

哈特福德事件和活动团队(HEAT) (FKA Campus 活动 Team "CAT") is a student-run organization that provides the student body with a variety of programs, 活动, 和事件. CAT's major event is the Spring Fling, which is held during the spring semester.


To help plan and implement diverse 活动 to enhance the education, social and recreational environment at the 立博体育官网.

红帽子是新生领袖, who are eager to help new students and their parents learn about life at the 立博体育官网. 红帽子是友好的, 有帮助的, 即将离任的, 热情的, and wants to promote the University and the opportunities it has to offer.

使用电子邮件 redcap@tilou.net 申请申请

通过个人对话, 集体活动, 学术顾问, 还有各种各样的节目, Red Caps help the incoming students and their parents become familiar and comfortable with the University. As a Red Cap you will have the opportunity to work closely with the University's faculty and staff in an informal setting.

Do you love the 立博体育官网 and want to help guide prospective students? Then apply to become a member of the 立博体育官网 红钥匙协会! You need to be available to give one weekly tour and come to specific admission events.

The Bates House; contact for more information.

顾问: 内森Burrage

Some benefits include free apparel, early registration, hourly pay, and much more!

作为住宿助理员, 你有各种各样的责任, 包括促进社区发展, 执行制度政策, 规划学生项目和社区建设者, 还有更多. 如果你对这个职位感兴趣, 你应该有高度的责任感, 承诺, 和奉献精神.

Compensation for the Resident Assistant position includes a housing assignment in a single occupancy room (note that exceptions to the single room may be made for unforeseen circumstances) and at minimum a Student Leader meal plan, 包括200顿饭和500美元的餐费.

RFA代表驻地设施助理. RFAs are residential student leaders who work for 设施 and serve as live-in extensions of the department. RFAs帮助准备和关闭宿舍, participate in a rotating on-call duty system to respond to facility needs across campus, provide direct service for maintenance issues during and after business hours (e.g., 更换灯泡和灯罩, 疏通下水道, 用木板封住破碎的窗户), 定期检查校园的所有区域, and work in the 设施 office answering phones and processing work requests.


Benefits of the RFA position include a stipend to cover room and board costs, 优先类注册, 初入学, and an opportunity to learn a variety of 'do-it-yourself' skills.

The 学生会总会(SGA) endeavors to raise student awareness, 促进学生参与, 代表学生的声音. This organization is for and by the students of the 立博体育官网.


欲了解更多立博网站中文版,请访问 SGA的页面.

LEAD是一个独一无二的领导力发展项目, 恢复训练, 以及为女大学生提供的职业准备项目. The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program is for female undergraduate students at 立博体育官网 that provides students with the tools, 培训, and community to successfully navigate the journey to and through college to life and careers.

Its cohort program is limited to 30 students per graduation class. In addition, campus programming is offered each semester that is open to all students.