


在夏天, the 哈特福德艺术学院 hosts a unique educational experience through its Visual Arts Portfolio Workshop. This opportunity connects high school students* with other artists, 挑战他们以新的方式思考, and teaches them to creatively problem solve over the summer break—all while creating new artwork to build their portfolio!

This in-person program takes place at the 哈特福德艺术学院 on the 立博体育官网's campus.

2024年7月8日- 8月2日

  • 你对学习艺术很认真
  • 你正在考虑上艺术或设计专业的大学
  • 你希望与志同道合的同事建立联系
  • You would like to develop skills and work building towards your college application portfolio
  • You want to develop a strong studio practice to enhance your ability to work more independently
  • You would like to increase your visual communication skills
  • You want to gain the ability to speak about your work and the work of others
  • You want to engage with experienced instructors who are professional artists


The primary objective of this workshop is to provide an educational experience that allows students to connect with each other, 挑战自我, 批判性的思考, 在暑假期间解决问题. 

  • 我们的应用程序窗口现在打开,有有限的位置.  Anyone who has any additional questions can reach out to artschool@tilou.net
  • 奖学金获得者通常在6月中旬收到通知. 
  • 一旦应用, you are committing to participate for the entirety of the program, 星期一至星期五, 7月8日- 8月2日, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.. If anything changes after notification of acceptance, please call 860.768.5486,留言时间不迟于2024年6月31日.


观测图(图) & 静物)

专注于人物和静物, you will sharpen your observational skills working from professional figure reference materials and tabletop constructions. You will investigate the nature of 画 as a way of seeing and developing technical skills through the exploration of understanding line, 语气, form, 和组成. Both gestural warm-ups and long-finished 画 approaches will be employed. 


Brandon Brownlee is an artist currently living and working in Connecticut. 他拥有纽约艺术学院绘画艺术硕士学位. He completed his BFA in Illustration at UHart’s 哈特福德艺术学院 and his AFA in Visual Fine Art from Manchester 社区 College. Brownlee的工作, 哪些在国内和国际上展出过, 是由美国私人收藏的吗. 




A traditional analog film photography workshop including experience with 35mm cameras, 电影的发展, 和B&W打印实践. We will utilize the 立博体育官网 campus for group photo sessions, and gain knowledge using professional photographic equipment in the lighting studio and hand printing in our darkroom. 


你的老师, 汤姆Prutisto, is the visual arts media technician and an adjunct instructor at the 哈特福德艺术学院. A graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology with 40+ years of experience in photography, 他从事过各种摄影形式的工作, 电影, 商业技术, 工业, 教育环境. 



A class exploring the use of clay through wheel throwing and hand-building methods. 基本的上釉和烧制技术也将被涵盖.

教师: 斯蒂芬妮·兰特

斯蒂芬妮·兰特(斯蒂芬妮·兰特)在粘土行业工作了25年. She exhibits her sculpture internationally and has had artist residencies and given workshops at numerous institutions across the country. Since 2020, she has been an Associate Professor of 陶瓷 at 哈特福德艺术学院. Prior, she taught at Emporia State University (KS) and received an MFA from Ohio University.

2024年7月8日- 8月2日

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (所有会话)


1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (7月8-19)


1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (7月22日至8月2日)



After registering, please mail payment (checks made payable to 哈特福德艺术学院) to:


The 立博体育官网 will continue to follow State and CDC guidelines for the health and safety of students, 教师, 和工作人员. 请查阅我们的 健康及安全指引 的更新.

附加高中 & 中学课程

This annual conference brings hundreds of middle school students and their teachers to our campus for all day studio workshops. 学生们画水彩画, 线的雕塑, 数码照片,  陶瓷盆, 以及介于两者之间的一切. This partnership we share with middle schools provides a wonderful opportunity to inspire both students and teachers. Please contact the Connecticut Association of 学校 for details on the 中部艺术大会.
The annual Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards and Exhibition brings hundreds of middle and high school students and their parents as well as teachers and supporters of the fine arts to our campus for a statewide juried exhibition and award ceremony. More than 500 student works, chosen against thousands, shows at the Silpe Gallery. Awards ranging from cash prizes and art supplies to college scholarships are granted to exceptional students. For more details and for how to get involved, contact the Connecticut Art Education Association.
每年, the SBM Foundation provides a grant to the 哈特福德艺术学院 to administer a series of four pre-collegiate studio workshops. 该项目带来了三所高中(曼彻斯特), 东哈特福德, 和罗克维尔市, selected by the grantor) to campus involving 60 students during each visit. These students and teachers have the opportunity to come to the 哈特福德艺术学院 and participate in studio workshops and lectures over the academic year.  Any schools and grantors interested in a similar arrangement should contact us for details.
We offer one-day workshops for you and your classes in a variety of studio areas. These sessions utilize our regular facilities and are taught by our 教师. Cost to students is minimal and many supplies are provided by the 哈特福德艺术学院. 交通是由你的学校安排作为实地考察. These workshops are generally offered on Fridays and are approximately three to four hours long. Parental permission is required and for life 画 classes. We can also arrange for teacher workshops in any studio area.
